急急急~在线等!关于金融危机`5.12地震 9.11的英语口语短文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/27 04:54:48


翻译:If you are Chinese, you must be aware that, in May 12, 2008 in the afternoon, there were an unprecedented disaster: four Chuan Wenchuan earthquake! Countless people who lost their lives, but also the loss of loved ones Of life, where being corrupted, housing has collapsed, rubble strewn shelter, as a step in that beautiful Wenchuan, so our collective contributions, and some star has donated hundreds of thousands of yuan, even millions, tens of millions, of course, we also lent a Our helping hand, donating our modest. It is united as one, ah, we have received hundreds of millions of yuan!

seismic area 地震带; 地震区; 震区
seismic belt 地震带; 地震区
seismic center 震中
aftershock 余震
Richter Scale(1—10) 里氏震级
seismographer 地震学家
earthquake monitoring 地震监控